Luxury Retreat Consultancy

Helping you add luxury retreats to your business with ease

everything you need to maximize your time, do more of what you love, and make your vision a reality

Luxury Retreat Consultancy

Helping you elevate your income and impact through retreats with ease

everything you need to maximize your time, do more of what you love, and make your vision a reality

Our Services

The Core Retreat Package

What you need to run a retreat without having to do all the heavy lifting. You bring your vision and your business plans and let us handle the rest. Take comfort in creating a retreat where you are fully protected and you have the time to sell your retreats with ease.

The Premium Retreat Package

We know that you may have your branding and marketing covered, but if you don't or you are looking for a fresh look and for someone to create your sales page and some key content or email sequences for you, this is the package for you and includes all the deliverables in the CORE package

The Ultimate Retreat Package

At this stage in your career, you know that PR and Sales are the lifelines of your business. Get everything in the CORE and PREMIUM packages plus PR and Sales Strategy support from the top agencies and sales strategists to fill your retreats effortlessly..

Imagine The Possibilities

Retreats are exactly what everyone wants right now, including your clients. You have worked hard to establish yourself as the leading expert in your field, building your audience, and creating offers for your clients.

Imagine the impact you can have when you bring your work into a retreat setting working privately with your clients in the most transformative ways without having to do all the heavy-lifting yourself.

Impact Your Clients In a Whole New Way

You are successful because you are exceptional at what you do. Because retreats are so much more experiential, you can connect face to face with your clients and create more of an impact.

Bringing your expertise into a retreat setting will amplify the success you have with your clients. Work with us to design and plan your custom retreat offer and give your clients an experience they will forever remember.

Retreats are not just about relaxation, they are about transformation

Retreats are no longer just about rest and relaxation. Entrepreneurs and thought leaders are looking at luxury retreats as the new, preferred method to work and connect with their clients in unique and powerful ways.

The world is wanting more intentional travel and to do things differently. Curating the perfect retreats can mean the world to those that choose to join you and experience what the world has to offer.

Scale Your Business by Doing More of What You Love

During Covid-19, the world all but stopped travelling, and while it has been difficult for many, your clients are ready to embark on an experiential retreat with you and are ready to spend 5 and 6 figures to do so.

We have people within our own circles who charge and sell retreats anywhere from $10,000 to upwards of $100,000 per person.

It is time to add retreats to your business so you can do more of what you love while travelling the world and living the life you're dreaming of.


Natalia adds so much value to your life. She shares from the heart, is totally authentic and her tips and tools really help y a positive life. She is extremely generous with herself, her skills, and her time.

— Ali Meehan, Business Coach & Founder of Costa Women

Working alongside Natalia has been an enriching and beneficial experience. Her genuine care, desire, and passion for helping others live to their fullest potential is inspiring. I would highly recommend working with Natalia as she will give you the guidance, tool, strategies, and support to make the life you say you want a reality.

— Nicole Prentice, Sobriety Focused Life CoacH

Natalia takes time to work with you every step

of the way and provides the feedback you need to keep you moving forward. She is an amazing coach and inspires her clients to go deeper and bigger!

— Molly Sommerhalder, Women's empowerment coach & Founder of Swan in the Lotus

Ruth has an amazing ability to get to the root of any problem and find a tool or solution to help overcome it. I can not recommend Ruth enough to anyone that needs help reconnecting with themselves and finding a sense of inner calm in their busy lives. Thank you so much Ruth.

— Jo Wood, Virtual Finance Director

Ruth is sensational! She was a pleasure to work with and I felt results right away. My confidence level was strengthened, I was calmer and my vision was much clearer. I love the way Ruth listens and understands.

— Charlotte Valentine, Pregnancy Life Coach and Founder of The Divine Pregnancy Program

Ruth has helped me enormously in such a short space of time and I feel so much more positive, confident and less anxious about all the pressures that have been going on in my life.

— Danielle Lloyd, Model and TV Personality

Our Story

"You travel not to escape life, but so that life does not escape you. "

In 2019, two entrepreneurs joined together amidst the beauty of southern Spain to create the most exclusive and intimate retreat club.

They set out to be the pioneers in the retreat industry daring to create the most exquisite luxury retreats. Passionate about people and planet, they know the impact entrepreneurs are here to make.

Giving back to the world matters.

What better way to do that than with your unique brilliance.

LCR Consultancy was created as a division of LUXE Club Retreats to not just reimagine your businesses with luxury retreats, but to also help you change the world with your wealth and wisdom.

Environment, travel and wellness are the most impacted and highlighted by the pandemic. We are embarking on a wellness revolution and we see the opportunity for wellness professionals, influencers, coaches and entrepreneurs to elevate themselves and their work in the wellness tourism space.

This is your chance to create tremendous impact one person and one environment at a time.

Reimagining your business with luxury retreats is essential for your personal growth and development. You wouldn't be here otherwise.

That's why we created LCR Consultancy.

We've done all the heavy lifting and rather than teach you, we want to just make it happen with you because we know how.

Working With Us

Think of us as your extended part of your team.

We are dedicated to helping you from day one for as long as you run retreats.

Our team of experts and partners will inspire new ideas and fresh approaches that can't be found anywhere else.

We provide the skill sets and expertise you need to create retreats that stand out, that comply with complex laws, and that are easy to fill with your dream clients.

With us, you get to live a life of freedom while travelling the world, sharing your unique brilliance and changing lives, all without taking on additional risk in the process.

FEATURES & Certifications

Understand what you need to have in place to run your high level retreats

profitably and compliantly

access The 100K Retreat Leader Symposium

Understand what you need to have in place to run your high level retreats

profitably and compliantly


Looking Ahead: The Future of Luxury Retreats & The Pitfalls You Need to Know

The most successful people in the world will tell you that you are most like the 5 people that you hang out or surround yourself with.

Are You Ready To Scale Your Business With Luxury Retreats?

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Trecregyn Villa, Parcllyn, Cardigan, SA43 2DF, UK